Our Shared Air
Air Pollution
A Co-Created Installation

Our Shared Air
Air Pollution in Ardwick and Manchester
1) Background
2) Statistics
3) Campaign
4) Community
Our Shared Air was co-created by Ardwick Climate Action, The University of Manchester and the local community.
Using recycled umbrellas and used bottle tops, an activity trailed at Medlock Co-Op Acadamy aimed to help students and parents visualise the unseen nature of air pollution.
The suspended bottle tops reference PM2.5, a type of particulate matter produced by things such as car exhausts and wood fires.
Ardwick has some of the worst levels of PM2.5 in Greater Manchester and the U.K., with levels regularly exceeding W.H.O. Guidelines.
Air pollution has adverse effects on our health, and in Manchester, we see raised levels of chronic lung conditions and premature deaths.
An Over View of Air Pollution in Manchester, Ardwick & Globally
Premature Deaths
1800 plus
Highest Recorded (A6)
3000 plus ng/m3
Deaths Attributed
4.2 million

Our current campaign calls upon Manchester City Council to place crossing infrastructure at the centre of Ardwick Green Park, opposite Co-Op Medlock Academy.
On the 9th July, we staged a protest in partnership with the academy. The entire school walked across the road at the site of the proposed crossing.
Traffic was halted with the help of PCSOs and local council.
Our Shared Air continues this very visible presence for a community's need to better itself. The installation sits opposite the school and the site of the proposed crossing.
The campaign has received media coverage, click the link to read more…